A downloadable game

For GMTK Game Jam 2022 submission

A collectible dice game! Fight your enemies and collect dice to increase your power!


1. Inventory:

    - 'Left Mouse' to select and deselect dice.

    - 'Space' to start the battle.

2. Battle:

    - 'Left Mouse' to select a die.

    - 'Middle Mouse' to de-select the selected die.

    - Hold' Right Mouse' and move cursor to rotate the selected die.

    - 'Left Mouse' to roll the selected die. Can flick the mouse to give it more momentum.

    - 'Esc' to bring up the menu.


You start with 4 random low-level dice and 7 deck points to spend. Different die types have different values (see the DICE COST section) and different abilities (see the ABILITIES section). Dice throws deal damage/heal/shield for the value times 5 (e.g. if a healing die landed on 3 points, you will heal for 15 health points). In total, there are 6 battles. Each battle increases in difficulty. Your health doesn't reset between battles. After each win, you receive 1 extra deck point and 1 random die. The goal is to win all 6 battles.


d4 - 1 point

d6 - 3 points

d8 - 4 points

d12 - 5 points

d20 - 6 points


Earth, fire, lightning - deal damage (the amount rolled times 5).

Heal - heals the roller (the amount rolled is turned into percentage, times the max rollers health, and that will heal the roller).

Shield - protects the roller the form the next attack (the amount rolled is turned into percentage, and will protect that amount against the next attack).


1. Disappearing effects on dice. You can see dice's abilities by hovering over them.

2. Dice falling through board after a throw which renders it impossible to progress. This issue was brought up by one of the jam raters. Unfortunately, the only solution is to restart the game. You can do that by pressing 'Esc' and clicking on 'Restart Game'.

3. The d4's sides 1 and 3 have each other's values assigned to them (if you see that you rolled 1, it will say 3 and vice versa).

4. Don't press 'Middle Mouse' in the inventory. That will improperly de-select all dice without actually returning points back. You will have to either keep on going with the battle and select your dice after the win or restart the level by going into the battle, press 'Esc' and click on 'Restart Game'.

5. You may be unlucky to receive 4 randomly generated dice that don't deal damage (e.g. heal and shield dice). In this case, you will have to restart the level by going into the battle, press 'Esc' and click on 'Restart Game'.

We hope you enjoy and thank you for playing!


Collectible Dice Game.zip 672 MB

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